英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 19:11:37
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1. 相对比率:relative 相对数字 | relative size 相对比率 | relative size of the public sector in gross domestic product 公营部门开支在本地生产总值中所占比率

2. 相对大小:relative sensitivity 相对感受性 | relative size 相对大小 | relative size cue 相对大小线索

3. 相对尺寸[大小]:relative rotation;相对转动 | relative size;相对尺寸[大小] | relative temperature;相对温度

4. 相对大小,相对值:relative shift ==> 相对移动 | relative size ==> 相对大小,相对值 | relative skewness ==> 相对偏度

This implies a gradual shrinking of the relative size of its current-account surplus.(这也意味着它现金账户规模的逐渐减小。)
Relative size of the inner planets of the solar system (from l-r) : Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. New research supports the idea that Mars owes its small size to its relatively rapid formation.(太阳系内部行星的相对体积(拍自1-r):水星、金星、地球和火星。)
A wife is never larger than a husband, but a relative size might be presumed.(妻子永远不会比丈夫大,但可能推测其相对的大小。)
Size relative to a 6-ft (2-m) man(相对于6英尺(2米)男子的大小)
Through analyzing relative factors of effecting radial internal clearance and effecting degree to matching, so that relative size parameters were controlled, matching quality was raised.(调心滚子轴承配套时,受多种因素影响,通过对影响径向游隙的相关因素进行分析,来判断其影响程度,以便控制相关尺寸参数,提高配套质量。)
Relative Size - Objects that are farther away look smaller.(相对大小-越远的物体看起来越小。)
The largest financial firms will be required to build up their capital and liquidity buffers, constrain their relative size, and place restrictions on the riskiest financial activities.(该法案要求最大的金融机构设立他们的资本金和流动性缓冲,限制他们的相关规模,并且对于风险最大的金融活动予以限制。)
The IMF calls the collapse of the Banks the biggest banking failure in history relative to the size of an economy.(IMF认为相对经济规模而言,冰岛的银行崩溃是一个国家所遭遇过的最大的一次银行危机。)
In birds, the olfactory ratio is the relative size of the bulb compared with that of the brain's cerebral hemispheres and is usually expressed as a percentage.(在鸟类里,嗅觉度便是相当于嗅球对比于鸟类前半脑的体积,并且常常用百分比表示。)
The seat chair cover of the automobile is made with the specialized lace, and with an outstanding style. also is provided the relative size for the car with lateral protection gasbag fixture.(汽车座椅套以专用花边布料量身制作,与众不同。也可以给带侧保护气囊的轿车提供配套。)
relative size是什么意思 relative size在线翻译 relative size什么意思 relative size的意思 relative size的翻译 relative size的解释 relative size的发音 relative size的同义词